— a little bit about —

Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are the two main practices within what is commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Both modalities are based on the same, millennia-old Chinese medical theory and are used to treat patterns of imbalance in the body. Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture do not directly treat biomedicine-diagnosed diseases, but instead treat patterns of imbalance in the body that present as a particular set of symptoms within each individual patient. A set of symptoms that biomedicine often has name for. For example, a patient may arrive to their initial consult and indicate that they would like help with treating their biomedicine-diagnosed “arthritis”. The first question the practitioner may ask them is, “How are you experiencing the arthritis in your body?” This question will most likely be followed by several more questions to help the practitioner understand what the underlying pattern of imbalance is that is causing the symptoms that biomedicine calls “arthritis.” That underlying pattern of imbalance, not “arthritis”, is what acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treat. During your initial consultation, the practitioner will conduct a thorough assessment of your condition, including your health history and current presenting symptoms. Based on this evaluation, they will determine which treatment program, or combination of programs, will best provide you with the health solutions you are seeking.

Acupuncture Program

If you're tired of relying solely on medications or invasive procedures, acupuncture offers a holistic approach to address your pain and discomfort. Perhaps the best known treatment in Chinese medicine, acupuncture is used for a wide variety of health challenges and is one of the most studied medical treatments in the world. Acupuncture is simply the gentle placement of ultra-fine needles into specific points on the body in order to regulate the nervous system, release muscle tension, and activate and direct the body’s natural healing response toward a specific area.

If you are seeking treatment for some type of painful condition, especially muscle or joint pain, acupuncture will very likely be part of your treatment plan. Often, if a pain condition is chronic, it will also require the use of herbal medicine in order to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and accelerate the healing process. Other modalities that may be used during an acupuncture treatment session include: electroacupuncture (acupuncture with electric stimulation), guasha / cupping (soft tissue therapy), and/or moxibustion (heat therapy).

Herbal Medicine Program

Very simply put, Chinese herbal medicine is food therapy in the form of custom tea blends. These are made from time-tested ingredients in pharmaceutical-grade, convenient powdered form which is easily consumed on the go, 2-3 times per day. Chinese herbal medicine is the heart of Chinese medicine, and many of the plant and mineral-based formulas used in the clinic have been in use for centuries. If you are coming to the Embodied Acupuncture & Wellness clinic for any type of health challenge with symptoms like digestive disorders, insomnia, anxiety, depression or other “internal medicine” conditions, Chinese herbal medicine will be at the heart of your treatment plan. Studying Chinese herbal medicine requires years to complete, and the clinic’s herb suppliers go through rigorous Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) which test for purity and proper identification per FDA standards. Chinese herbal medicine is extremely safe and effective when used under the direction of a licensed professional. Your practitioner will discuss dietary restrictions you may have as well as any medication you are taking prior to providing you with an herbal formula. It is amazing how powerful Chinese herbs can be at helping you reach your health goals.

Together, toward a better embodiement.